Mathews Inc.

Kansas Whitetail Live

November 6-12

Day 3


Morning Hunt

November 8th

I went to the stand called the Junkyard this morning. I needed a break from the blind. It was my first morning hunt in a stand and I was really looking forward to some action. Unfortunately, it is still slow here. I saw a spike, and three does.

Matt saw very little as well. The weather was changing but it still had a long way to go before it's rut weather. 65 degrees by the time I climbed out of the stand.


Afternoon Hunt

I am a glutton for punishment. I went back to the blind after the Ghost. It was partly cloudy and breezy so it was far more comfortable. I was hoping the weather change would get these deer moving. It did not. I never saw a deer. This was my fourth sit in this blind and it's starting to wear on me. Matt did a little better and saw a couple of small bucks. These deer are not moving. It's the slowest we've ever experienced here. I am hearing from my buddies that this weather is affecting a lot of hunters across the Midwest. Nothing we can do about the weather except hope that it changes soon and these deer start moving.


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