Morning Hunt
Spent the morning hunting the Oval Office again. It was extremely slow and all I saw was the same 8pt buck from last night. I did see a couple small bucks working plumb thickets to the east so the bucks are finally starting to move.
Before my morning hunt was over I received good news. One of my camp-mates, Chuck Pillivant from Michigan had shot a great 10pt up at the tree belt. He took a steep downward shot which exited out the front shoulder. The buck went 80 yards and piled up.
Chuck and Jeff left this afternoon. Shortly before I left for my PM hunt, Bowsiter's Jake Ensign (Medicinemann) and Tom Edgington (Mad Trapper) arrived.
Afternoon Hunt
For my PM hunt I had two options and I struggled with the choice. The first was to go to Larry's Creek. Jeff had a ground blind there and he had a serious 170-180 buck cruising through. The other option was where Chuck shot his buck. I know it was soon, but there are three shooter bucks there besides the one he killed. I took that option.
At 5PM I watched nearly 20 does feed in the wheat field South of my stand. They were a quarter mile away but even at that distance I could see a giant buck. It was the big shooter that Chuck had seen and we had photos of. He was chasing does all around the wheat field. As the sun went down all was quiet. Long after the sun went down I saw a deer walk in the opening right in front of my stand. I pulled up my binoculars and it was the giant buck - just 18 yards away. But, it was far too dark to shoot ethically so I never picked up my bow.
I'm heading right back there in the morning.