Sitka Gear

Early Bird Specials Available for 2021 Pope & Young Convention

April 20th, 2021- The Pope & Young Club is pleased to announce an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in attending the 2021 Pope & Young Convention in Reno, Nevada this July.

It is Pope & Young’s 60th Anniversary and this year’s Convention is set to be a show you will not want to miss. Scheduled for July 14-17 at the Nugget Casino Resort, bowhunters from across the nation will gather to share their passion for archery and the game animals they pursue.

Anyone that registers between now and May 15th will receive $50 off both adult and youth (ages 12 and under) tickets. On top of great early bird ticket prices, registering before the May 15th deadline will get you an entry into a drawing for four FREE nights of lodging at the Nugget during the convention.

If the 60th Anniversary Pope & Young Convention is on your list of summer activities, act now to take advantage of this special pricing and the opportunity at being selected for FREE lodging.

Learn more about the 2021 Convention at


The Pope and Young Club is one of North America's leading bowhunting and conservation organizations. If you are a fair chase, ethical bowhunter and you care about preserving the culture of bowhunting - you should be a member of the Pope & Young Club.

  • Sitka Gear