Mathews Inc.
Bowhunting Kansas Live - 2004









2003 Hunt

2002 Hunt

2001 Hunt

Tuesday Morning Hunt

I didn't feel to well this morning. Yesterday afternoon I had stopped by a local grocery store and picked up some hot sausage. I poured spicy mustard all over that and wolfed them down with some chips and hot salsa for dinner last night. What an idiot. Needless to say, it was not going to be a comfortable morning for me in stand. The same thing had happened last year, but I probably didn't mention it.

Kent turned down the road to drop me off and I recognized it as the spot called the "tree belt." I reminded him that this was the same place that I sat in last year with an upset stomach. How ironic.

At 8:00 AM a deer appeared out of nowhere and fed by my stand, he was a dink and made me homesick for my 40 class bucks back home.

The morning droned on. I spent most of the time standing since I was too uncomfortable to sit. When I did sit I was mostly doubled over. I contemplated calling the hunt short but I toughed it out. My patience was worth the wait.

Kent was due at any moment. I couldn't wait to hear that truck - getting out of the stand meant going back to the house, and comfort. But movement caught my eye and I could clearly see a buck moving toward me. He was no ordinary buck, it was a non-typical. I slowly reached for my bow as he moved closer. He stopped to freshen a scrape. I had my bow up, video camera on. I was ready. As he moved within range I drew on him, but I just couldn't shoot. At that moment, the truck pulled up and the NT ran off.

Click to see a picture of the Non-Typical


Tuesday Afternoon Hunt

I asked to hunt my namesake stand "Pat's stand" where I shot my 2002 buck which was featured in Bowhunter Magazine this past August. The weather was cooler but windy. I was hoping for some better luck.

Ten minutes after the truck left, a small 6pt fed along the Tamarack thicket then moved off into the field. Twenty minutes later, at 3:30 PM, I saw a deer moving in the distance to the South. I glassed him and it was a big 8, or possibly a 10. He had good mass and tine length and appeared symmetrical. I was hoping he'd turn and come down the Tamarack thicket but instead he followed a doe out into a large grass pasture. He was definately a shooter!

I saw several other bucks and 1 other doe. In total I watched 7 bucks and 2 does, only the one buck was a shooter - the rest were yearlings. Two fed in close but most were off in the distance. A weather change will hopefully get the bigger bucks moving, so far it's been very slow due to the heat.



Next - Day 5

Our Kansas bowhunt takes place in Southwest Kansas with Kent Jarnagin of Cimarron River Outfitters.

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