Moultrie Mobile

Food Plot 2 - Hancock Daikon Radish

Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use

Growth Results

Radishes have always grown well on my property and this year was no exception. I had incredible, lush growth on Plot 2, both in greens and the Radish.

Activity Results

Activity was dissapointing, not horrible but not great either. I had higher expectations given the fantastic crop. Utilization stayed mediocre all year, even after the snows.


I will continue to grown radishes despite the lower than expected activity. I think I had too many brassicas booming at the same time and this plot is not as remote as the others. Most of my radishes rotted and were underutilized. No fault of the variety, we just had too much food for the deer this year as all plots did exceptional.

Plot Photo (Macro)

Plot Photo (Micro)

Trail Cam Photo - brought to you by Moultrie Moultrie Trail Cams

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