Moultrie Mobile

Food Plot 3 - Hancock Regal Graze Ladino Clover

Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use

Growth Results

I'm in year 5 with this plot and it is starting to show signs of a downturn. I limed and fertilized and also sprayed 3x with Arrow (2-4DB) and I also used my seeder to both scratch the roots and overseed. That worked! The plot came back great.

Activity Results

Activity was slower than normal on this plot. It was utilized but less than previous years.


By October this plot looked fantastic, but the draw was far less than I would have imagined. I will reevaluate it for 2018.

Plot Photo (Macro)

Plot Photo (Micro)

Trail Cam Photo - brought to you by Moultrie Moultrie Trail Cams

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