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Join us as we hunt Maryland's Eastern Shore for trophy-class whitetails with Steve Rupert.

Past Live Hunts

Update for 11/18/00

Talk with the hunters

AM Hunt - Since we knew about a big 10 pt. (the one that Brad saw on his last day) I set up my stand in that same area for this morning. At 7:30 AM two does with two fawns busted out of the brush and stopped under my stand. The big doe saw me and headed into the marsh.

A short time later this little buck came in and let me shoot some great pictures. He busted me as well and headed into the marsh.

A short time later a button buck walked by my stand. I had seen him earlier in the field chasing does. Awfully ambitious little guy he was.

PM Hunt - Steve met up with me at the farm I hunted yesterday. We wished each other good luck and I headed to the same area as before. This time I moved off - about 50 yards deeper into the thickets (where I saw all the deer). At 4:30 PM this really nice buck (below pictures) headed in, I grabbed my bow and coached myself not to choke. The buck stopped underneath my stand from yesterday and must have detected some lingering human odor. He stomped twice then slowly turned around and headed back the way he came. I managed to catch some video but it was brushy and in fading light. Still these photos will give you an indication of the rack's size. This was the first "shooter" I've seen all week. They are just starting to rut now - just in time for me to go home. Oh well, it was a fun trip anyway.

We hope you enjoyed our last Live Hunt for the season. My sincerest thanks to Steve Rupert for graciously letting me hunt on his leases and bring this live hunt to you. In all it was a slow week for bucks but lots of deer activity in general. The next few days are going to be hot. We're just starting to see mature bucks now.

The rest of the camp had a good time but no bucks killed. Brad Adams (TX) had no shots but saw one really nice 10 pt. Eric Anderson (CA) missed a doe and saw several smaller bucks. Ron College (PA) shot a doe and saw several small bucks. Steve Rupert saw several bucks including one shooter that was out of range.

Video Clips
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Link Description Connection Speed
Video 1 video 1, small buck on day 1 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 2 video 2, small buck on day 2 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 3 video 3, small buck on day 2 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 3 video 3, small buck on day 2 fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL)
Video 4 video 4, button under stand on day 4 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 4 video 4, button under stand on day 4 fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL)
Video 5 video 5, small 5 pt. buck under stand on day 6 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 5 video 5, small 5 pt. buck under stand on day 6 fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL)
Requires a Windows Media Player to view the streaming videos. If you are having trouble with these videos check to be sure that you are choosing the correct download speed, and make sure you have a current version of the player. These videos require version 6.4 or greater.

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