Mathews Inc.

Premier Outfitters

Hunter: Rick Halter
New Jersey
Premier Outfitters
Ratings to date: 236
Average Rating 4.7
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

My son (29) and I (61) booked our first outfitter hunt with Premier Outfitters of Kentucky and couldn't be happier with our trip. My son harvested a upper 140's, 200# stud and I came home empty handed. The lodging, the farm we hunted, the food, and especially the staff were all top notch. We had an instant connection with our guide Tommy and share stories and created memories. Mark Clifford the owner stopped in a couple times and had dinner with us one night. Below is a quick email I sent to Mark when I got home Good Morning Mark, thanks again for having Nick and I, and sharing Kentucky's incredible deer and landscape. This was a great reset for both of us with memories that will last forever. I think you know but this was our first experience hunting with an outfitter and it exceeded our expectations. You have done an outstanding job of putting all of it together. I see now that there is a crazy amount of time and management that goes into running your business, and I’m happy we picked Premier Outfitters. The folks you have hired are top notch good people and fun to share experiences with. Very nice job!!! Rick

Outfitter's Response

Such a pleasure having you both in camp and I look forward to next year with you guys.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - November 2022
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 9
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? Yes - Unusually Warm Conditions
Weather Comments:
Over 75 degrees 3 of the 5 days
  • Sitka Gear