Sitka Gear

Hero Shot Outfitters

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Matt T
New York
Ratings to date: 11
Average Rating 5.0
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

Hero Shot Outfitters was the first whitetail outfitter that I have been to. After going there and seeing the operation that they have, it will be the only whitetail outfitter that I go to. Jason and the rest of the Hero Shot crew go above and beyond for each and every hunter in camp and it shows. I saw trophy whitetails every day and the only reason that I did not harvest a trophy whitetail, was my own fault. I did what every bow hunter hates to do and I made a poor shot. It is very evident that Jason works hard and puts in many hours studying these deer. The properties are already filled with trophy sized whitetails and it is clear that Jason knows how to manage the deer population. It was awesome after a long day to have very comfortable lodging and a delicious home cooked meal to come home to. After just one day in camp, I knew that I wanted to return in 2018 and by the end of my trip, I had already placed my deposit for the following season. I would, and have recommended Hero Shot Outfitters to every person that I have talked to and will continue to do so. I consider the Hero Shot crew as very close friends after only meeting them for a week and cannot wait to go back and see them again next year.

Outfitter's Response

Matt, it was a pleasure having you in camp. We strive hard to provide not only a great hunt but, a great experience. We really enjoyed having you and Mike in camp. You guys hunted hard and were a pleasure to have in camp. We like to say that you come to camp as a client and leave as family. I feel that's what exactly happened on this hunt. We can't wait to have you back next year and many years after that. I hope that you and your family have a great Holiday season and I am already looking forward to 2018.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - November 2017
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Number in Camp - 2
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
The weather that we had was fair. We had a few days with rain, some days with steady wind and some days that were cloudy. The temperatures ranged from roughly 35-50 degrees. We had no weather that in my opinion would negatively affect the hunt.
  • Sitka Gear