Sitka Gear

Tad Ladd West KY Whitetails

Hunter: Greg Carter
South Carolina
SC Bow
Tadd Ladd Outfitters
Ratings to date: 103
Average Rating 5.0
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

No Hunter Comments Submitted My dad and I have hunted with Tad for the last 2 years. We have had nothing but exceptional commitment from Tad and his staff to putting us in areas of big and mature whitetails. Their focus to non-pressure, supplemental feeding and knowledge and understanding of bow hunting whitetails is equal or better to anything we have experienced with other mid west outfitters in Kansas, Indiana and Illinois as well as in Idaho and Montana. Tad treats all as family and takes a personal interest in each hunter and their hunt. This was apparent when my 6 year old son, Cole, and I first visited with Tad to view his lodge and hunting farms. Cole became an instant "Tad Ladd West KY pro staffer" with hat, t-shirt and hoodie! Tad constantly follows and asked about Cole and when he will ibe returning with his dad and "pop pop" to hunt big KY whitetails. And of course when Cole ends ups with a photo with Tad on the website and Facebook page, it's just another example of how Tad takes his hunting clients to the next level. Thanks again Tad....letting an arrow fly is great....but an overall hunting experience with family and friends is priceless!! Looking forward to 2017 in west KY!!

Outfitter's Response

Thanks Greg, sure enjoy seeing young hunters like Cole have a positive experience and have a dad and grandad that are so willing to share and teach him about our heritage. That is truly passing it on, and we are happy to play small part in it.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - October 2015
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Personal Guide - Tad Ladd
Number in Camp - 2
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
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