I recommend this outfitter
This was my first trip to Kentucky to hunt whitetails--I contacted Tad to discuss his operation and deer quality-- Tad was very energetic in discussing his property, food source and the quality of deer herd--he sent trail cam photes to see how his bucks were progressing in velvet-- I committed to this hunt after a few phone calls to Tad -- my gut feeling about Tad and his hunting operation paid off--Tks Tad, see you again in Sept. 2016
Outfitter's Response
Thanks for the report. We want to try to make every guest that hunts with us feel they are part of the team, cause truthfully you are. I commend your effort on stand in some absolutely brutal heat, as we set a record high four days in a row!
Hunt Information
Date of Hunt -
September 2015
Implement -
Compound Bow
Hunt Type -
Number in Camp -
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt?
Yes - Unusually Warm Conditions
Weather Comments:
I hunted the early Sept velvet hunt. 95 degrees -- I hunted all day on the same stand and it paid off
I hunted the early Sept velvet hunt. 95 degrees -- I hunted all day on the same stand and it paid off