I recommend this outfitter
Ben and his family/guides were amazing people and guides. They did everything they could to get us in front of bears and they had some good ones. Ben picked us up from Edmonton after flying in and one big plus is that this is a 7 day hunt not the 5 or six that you see in most camps. We also had, in addition, the opportunity to kill wolves and we did (3 of them!!). I would strongly recommend his operation. Some of our party have already booked for next year and for years further for Moose. You will not be disappointed in this camp. PM me with any questions, I'd be happy to help. thanks Danny Stotler
Outfitter's Response
None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.
Hunt Information
Date of Hunt -
May 2015
Implement -
Compound Bow
Hunt Type -
Personal Guide -
Ben Cockell
Booking Agent -
Scott Alberda
Number in Camp -
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt?
No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
We hit it right with GREAT weather all week. Not one drop of rain!
We hit it right with GREAT weather all week. Not one drop of rain!