Mathews Inc.

Bear Track Outfitters

Hunter: Scott Wilson
Ratings to date: 48
Average Rating 4.8
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

Ron and Jeanine Dare offer a first-rate hunt with quality bears. I rated the quantity of animals at "Satisfactory" because this is a very tough year for Manitoba. They are experiencing a 300 year flood. But Ron was a real trooper - he did whatever it took to get us into bears and I had an opportunity at a real whopper, but being 15 yards from a bear that big can be a bit unnerving! The bear that I ended up tagging was average (or below), but Ron made me feel like I'd just tagged a "Booner".

I will book another hunt in the near future and you woud do well to book one too!

Outfitter's Response

Scott and the rest of his party were, in short, some of the most patient guests we've had in a long time! The 1 in 300 year flood made every day a challenge, but we worked hard every day and every one got their opportunity. The big bear Scott refers to was missed 7 days prior to him missing it, by another hunter. A week after that, the now named bear "Lucky" was missed again, so he still walks in our hunt area! Having Scott return for another hunt would be our priviledge.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - May 2011
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Number in Camp - 3
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? Yes - Unusually Wet Conditions
Weather Comments:
Monday - Rain Tuesday - Wind/Rain/Cold Wednesday - Sunny and very pleasant Thursday - Wind/Rain/Cold Friday - Sunny and very pleasant
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