Sunday 12/27/98  

It was time to shoot. We moved around the tree to get a good position for the shot, Ron grabbed the video camera as I nocked an arrow. I picked a spot, drew and released once the image came together. The shot was perfect and the cat let out a growl and died inside of 5 seconds. He fell from the tree and slid down the hill a few yards. We were ecstatic - my first cat was a huge one. The next footage you will see is the actual shot and cat falling out of the tree.

Video of Pat drawing and shooting the cat (176k)

Video of the cat falling from the tree (120k)

Video of the 'difficult' tracking job (120k)

Awesome Cat

Just a little one!

After all the fun and pictures were over with, we needed to get the cat off that steep mountain and back to the snow machines. It was an easy drag down the hill but up the hill in the snow was a different story. Ron and I split the dragging chore and did not return to the truck until near 8:00 PM! Weary but very pumped.


Don't Tune out yet! Ron's wife Suzy is going after her cat and we will bring you that hunt live, then Kevin Bishop of Indiana is coming in on Friday and we'll be tagging along on that hunt as well, so stay tuned for plenty more cat hunting action from Idaho.

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