Jonah's Alaskan Outfitters
AlaskaWebsite Address posted for sponsors only
My trip to Jonah's place was one of the best hunts I've ever been on. Everything from all the folks involved with the hunt, to the food, the views, the equipment, the animals, the hospitality...everything was 5 Star. The hanger at Jonah's is super nice and very well kept. The critters on display in both the hangar and the house speak volumes about the man you're hunting with. The word "humbling" comes to mind. The flight out to the bait was gorgeous, the animal I took couldn't have been more perfect, the "after-shot" care was excellent and the entire trip went off without a single hitch.
I can't say enough good things about the entire experience. I highly recommend Jonah's outfit!
None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.
Sunny and cool.