Verdigris Valley Outfitters
KansasWebsite Address posted for sponsors only
I was very happy with my past two trips with Doug Arnold, Verdigris Valley Outfitters. I have already booked for the 2007 season. Doug's whole setup from the lodge and home cooked meals to stand locations are geared for the bowhunter by a bowhunter. this fact alone is key for me when I choose a outfitter. Doug does his homework. he is constantly scouting and will put the stands where you have the best chance for a shot. I had my chances to harvest many bucks in the 120-140 class. I have seen 3 bucks in the 170's and if you hold out for those bucks you can go home empty handed sometimes, as I have. this is what bowhunting is all about. I will be back this season and those bucks will be bigger.
None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.
weather a little warmer than I am use to being from the north. can be a little windy.