Moultrie Mobile

Ridgeview Guide Service

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: sab caponi
New York
Ratings to date: 1
Average Rating 1.0
Hunter Comments
I do not recommend this outfitter

We won this hunt on ebay and set the price for $1000 for a 1 week hound hunt. We got there and paid our balance and chatted bears with David Ellis-owner of the place. On the first morning of the hunt David shows up at the cabin an asks if we wouldn't mind driving- all transportation was supposed to be included in the hunt- since his guides truck was down. Later we found out there was no way he couldn't have known about this because the guides truck was in a million pieces in Davids garage. In fact at the end of the days we would drop off the guide to work on his truck. Anyway we agree since we're there to hunt. David proceeds to take the other 2 hunters in camp and the dogs and starts checking baits in his truck. We take the guide and start driving and checking baits in our truck as well but the immediate problem was there was no way to get in touch with David because the radios or cell phones couldn't get a signal or around the mountains. One day we had fresh snow and tracks at the bait to get the dogs on but David couldnt be reached and when we reached him about 3 hours later he said "its not good weather for tracking" After driving his guide around for 4 days we said something to david since we would get back to camp and he would tell us stories about the tracks the dogs ran that day while with him in his truck. At this point we are frustrated since we aren't doing or seeing anything except using our gas and truck and even if we did get a track David found a reason not to go and let the dogs loose, and he has the dogs and the dog box. David admits we have valid points and apologizes but never offers to take us in his truck with the dogs, he does however offers to give us a hunt the following year for just the cost of lodging all the while apologizing and offering every excuse in the books as to why the hunt fell apart. Excuses ranged from another guide with another set of dogs left him flat, to he over booked this week by mistake to, the bears denned up early anyway.

Well the next year when we were supposed to get our "make-up hunt" David became impossible to contact at times. Finally I get in touch with him around Sept and he said we were all set. A week before we were supposed to go David called and said "dont bother coming-the bears denned up early" so we wasted another week and another year since it was too late to find a place to hunt. The wierd thing is the whole time all he said was "dont worry Im a man of my word, I'll make it good" I tried to get in touch with david on numerous occasions to at least find out what happened and hear it from his mouth. I even told him I was going to post this review and gave him a chance to answer- he never did. I couldn't understand why "A man of his word" couldn't even answer an e mail. He was supposed to be a NAVY vet but I doubt it since every NAVY vet I ever encountered was honorable, David is not. At the time I wrote this rating I have been trying for 5 weeks to get in touch with DAVID ELLIS to find out what happened.

Also all his equipment was in poor condition. His dog boxes were home made and falling apart, his yard and garage looked like garbage and his truck was filthy. I would never recommend DAVID ELLIS or his guide service ever. I have all e mails to support my story

Was the outfitter notified of problems? - YES

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - October 2009
Implement - Rifle
Hunt Type - Guided
Number in Camp - 4
Outfitter Cost - $1,000.00
Other Costs - $0.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
Cool, crisp, snow one day-about 2-3 inches
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