Mathews Inc.

Pete Denny's Brushy Hill Ranch

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Wendell Hardin
South Carolina
Ratings to date: 4
Average Rating 3.0
Hunter Comments
I do not recommend this outfitter

In response to Mr. Anderson's reply.... He definitely was hunting in the same pasture we were using, and he had another guy with him. I know this because he specifically asked us where we were hunting so he would not "drive amongst us". It is not true that we are unaccustomed to Texas style hunting or large acreage. In fact, at the ranch we usually hunt, each pasture is larger than the entire Brushy Hill Ranch. The size of the ranch was not the issue....the fact that there were no hogs was one issue, among others. We did kill two of the total of 6 hogs we saw over four nights (all night) of hunting. That is over 145 man hours of hunting......6 hogs! We are certainly accustomed to more game than that, and I would bet that not too many Brushy Hill clients could have stalked close to the hogs we killed, they were so spooky from being over hunted. It is true that the RV caught one of the overhead wires conecting the two "lodge" shacks, and upon discovering this we made the rapairs ourselves. The way the wiring was rigged up was a fire hazard, however. We left it better than we found it. I am afraid Mr. Anderson is trying to defend the indefensible. There is no way you can call it right to compete with your own clients for animals after you have sold those clients the rights to hunt. If, in my initial phone conversations with the ranch owners, they had said, "Oh, by the way, some of our ranch employees will be hunting in the same area where and while you are hunting", I would not have booked the hunt, and I would have wondered why anyone would. I'm sure they know this, so they don't mention it. It is true that at $80/day this is a cheap hunt, proving once again the truth of the old adage, "You get what you pay for". But even at that rate, you should not have to compete with ranch personnel while hunting. After all, its just a nasty old hog.....

Was the outfitter notified of problems? - NO

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - March 2011
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 4
Outfitter Cost - $400.00
Other Costs - $500.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
No weather comments submitted
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