Sitka Gear

Coppers Creek Outfitters

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Brad Strebing
New York
Ratings to date: 26
Average Rating 4.4
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

Awesome time....For my first out of state hunt i was a little disappointed. The weather wasn't on our side. Warm, windy, rainy days. All I can stress is be patient...Beau will put you on a shooter Buck. You may go a day or 2 an only see a doe or 2, maybe even nothing. But trust me If conditions are right, You will have an opportunity of a life time. I had a great time meeting new friends, sharing stories and just a at home atmosphere. Although I wasn't sucessful on my hunt I saw 3 shooters within the first half hour of my hunt. 2 of which had there heads low following 6 doe that went by at about 60 yrds from me. The 2 bucks were 5 miins behind the doe, they paid no attention to my grunt and rattle. about 30 mins later I had a 140 class 8 point come into my grunt. I have never witnessed such a site, He came in thrashing trees and the ground, I would grunt and he would return a grunt to me. although I had the camera rolling, it was in the wrong poisiotion and all i had was footage of my back. He came within 15 yrds. a million things were running through my head....Shot, pass, first day, 3rd buck in half hour...etc...etc...etc... I drew on him at 15 yrds, but still as I thought I have 4 more days and I didn't come to Illimois tp shoot an 8 pt... well I let down my draw he walked to what I thought was 30 yrds and turned broadside... I thought I can't pass this up cause you never know. Well I drew on him and released to have him duck my shot.....At first I was mad but then I thought the fun has just begun....That evening back at the lodge I started asking who saw what... Well to my surprise I was one of the few who had any action. My buddy missed a monster 8. He shot low...Ass the days passed so did my luck, and the weather turned bad...I saw a total of 4 shooters, 8 doe, 1 spike, and one 6 or 8... all in all I had a great time. The food is excellent, stand locations are excellent,the knowledge of the guides is excellent. Although my expectations on seeing 15-20 deer a day wasn't met, the time spent with friends and making new ones was well worth it. Thank you for a great experience and will see you again soon!!! I recommend this outfitter to a hunter who has the patience and to put in the time and listen to Beau, cause he will put you on tje Buck of a Lifetime. Just remember from trhe words of Beau himself..."I can tell you where to go and where to be, but if it don't happen, It Don't Mean Shit"... Thank You Beau and Keep the Busch on Tap, The Boys from Upstate NY will be back!!!

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - October 2011
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 13
Outfitter Cost - $2,000.00
Other Costs - $750.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? Yes - Unusually Warm Conditions
Weather Comments:
2 perfect condition days and 3 warm, rainy days
  • Sitka Gear