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Bowhunter's Paradise

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Robert Lindberg
New Hampshire
Too Many Bows Bob
Ratings to date: 67
Average Rating 4.9

Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

I did not take an animal, in part due to my committment to making sure my son Erik got his first bowkill, which he did. Jim made sure that we had the best places to make that happen.

We had some trouble due to the fact that there were acorns dropping by the ton while we were there and the critters were not frequenting the blind sites. But Jim kept working with us to make it as good as he possibly could. He moved my friend Chris 8 times in the 4 days to make sure he got something. Chris finally got a pig on the last night.

I got to do a couple of Spot and Stalks, which were way cool. I would have had a pig if my hit would have been better, no fault of Jim.

We are alrady planning on returning to BHP in '09.


Outfitter's Response

I had a Blast hunting with the 3 of you--your dedication to teaching your Son how to Bowhunt was inspiring (Erik is very Blessed to have you for a Father).

I can't wait to have you Boys back in Paradise--congrats on some very Nice Critters my Friend.

Thanks for taking the time to do a report on your Bowhunt with me; I know everyone really appreciates the input from other hunters--have a great day Buddy and see you next year.

Jim Titchenell OUT!! 830-563-7700

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - September 2427
Implement - Traditional Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Personal Guide - Jim Titchnell
Number in Camp - 3
Outfitter Cost - $1,000.00
Other Costs - $500.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? Yes - Unusually Warm Conditions
Weather Comments:
It was very hot, one day almost 100. They had received a lot of rain earlier and that made the acorn crop drop early.
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