Mathews Inc.

Atkinson Expeditions

Hunter: Todd Anderson
Ratings to date: 35
Average Rating 4.7

Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

We had a tough week with the weather, the goats didn't want to water very much while I was there so we had to improvise. Jeremy (the guide) was on-board with spot and stalk whenever we could find a good situation to try it. We had some really cool encounters and watched a dominate buck run about 20 other bucks out of a group of 60 antelope one evening. I got really lucky and ended up taking a good antelope buck the last day.

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - September 2011
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Personal Guide - Jeremy
Number in Camp - 2
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? Yes - Unusually Wet Conditions
Weather Comments:
Eastern Colorado had been getting a lot of rain the week before I showed up and I even got rained on the first afternoon I was in a blind. Cooler temps made the antelope not need to water as much either.
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