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Oxbow Lodge

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Nicholas Haley
Ratings to date: 6
Average Rating 3.7
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

This was my first "outfitted" hunt. I thought the lodge was great, the setting was great, and the outfitters were great people. It was my first trip to Maine and I thought it was a beautiful place to be for a week. The food was excellent and every day it just kept coming. I thought Tom was a great guy, and all of the guides I met were great to be around. In the third week of the season, the number of animals seen on stand was down, and the size was generally on the low end - yearlings mostly. I personally saw a yearling at last light on the first night and a cub the last day I was there - two more bears than I had seen ever. They have plenty of (too many?) bait sites out. I did see a ton of moose which made the trip worthwhile even though I wasn't hunting them. I probably won't use this outfitter again, but I would recommend them to a beginner.

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - September 2009
Implement - Muzzleloader
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 12
Outfitter Cost - $1,500.00
Other Costs - $300.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
The weather could not have been better - little to no rain, cool but not freezing. Overcast most days.
  • Sitka Gear