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Bowhunter's Paradise

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Jay J
New York
Ratings to date: 67
Average Rating 4.9

Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

This would be my 2nd hunt to Bowhunter’s Paradise (BHP). Why did I return when I already had the “been there, done that” T shirt. The answer is simple and easy---Jim Titchenell. He is the most positive, friendly, down-home-country-boy you will ever meet. If you can’t have a great time in Jim’s company, there is something wrong with you. Go check into a mental ward and deal with your issues. At BHP you will be fed until you burst. You will sleep (albeit very little) in comfort in the very nice air conditioned bunk house. You will be transported to and from the trail leading to your blind and you will see A TON of critters while on stand. Between the morning and afternoon hunt, you can rest or spend the time catching up with your buddies which is a big part of the reason you go on a hunt with buddies in the first place, right? That fact leads me to my next point. Why are you going on this kind of hunt at all? Is the only reason you are going is to put blood on an arrow and have your hero picture taken behind a monster axis, blackbuck or aoudad? If that is your only reason for going; maybe you should rethink why you hunt at all. To me hunting is about more than killing. The cost of your hunt at Bowhunter’s Paradise will GUARANTEE you a great adventure with your friends. It will guarantee that you meet a super guy named Jim. And, it will guarantee that you go home exhausted from all the hunting. (Exotics, rams, and goats by day and hogs by night will wear you out!) You will also have a possibility of seeing that mature exotic from your blind. It won’t guarantee that you run an arrow through a monster Axis Buck. Isn’t that hunting anyway? I say it is. I don't want the guarantee. I want to share the love of the hunt with my wife and my friends and if I get really lucky and I don’t miss, I’ll have a nice memento to take to my taxidermist. The memories made during that hunt way down in Texas will be the topic of conversation for the rest of our lives and will live infinitely longer than the blood on the ground. I had a fantastic time with my wife, my buddy and the three new friends I was able to meet through him. We did get the blood on the ground over and over. We did get our hero picture taken behind some dead critters. And, some big exotics did fall. In fact, 6 hunters took 14 animals in 4 days. Way, way beyond all that though we shared many laughs and made memories that will last for a lifetime. Thanks Jim for another great Texas adventure.

Outfitter's Response

WOW Jay; can't really add much to that post buddy--you said it all!! I look forward to your trip every year; man do I enjoy sharing a camp with you!!!

Thanks soo much for all of your kind really doesn't seem right that I get to do this everyday--I keep expecting to wake up and realize that this is just a dream--ya'll came in as clients and quickly became close friends. God Bless ya Brother!!

Check out some of Jay's Videos & Services that he offers

Flying Arrow Productions

Give'm a look; they do amazing videos

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - June 2009
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 6
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
HOT! but a nice breeze made it very comfortable
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