Moultrie Mobile

Miller Ranch

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Mike Barth
Ratings to date: 4
Average Rating 5.0
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

In the deer-hunting world, Larry Weishuhn is widely recognized as "Mr. Whitetail." Although not as visible, Richard Eriksen of Miller Ranch deserves the title "Mr. Blacktail."

In word and deed, Richard clearly indicates that he loves the blacktail deer that flourish on his 1,000-acre oasis. In the thirty-three years he has been guiding hunters there, he has gained an intimate knowledge of their behavior, patterns, and personalities that virtually none can match. His familiarity with the land is such that he can almost spot a rock out of place, and his eyesight is phenomenal at detecting the smallest part of a hiding buck.

New hunters and established clients are treated equally with opportunities at the biggest bucks. I had stalking opportunities every time I left the cabin area. Richard is a master strategist, and following him on a stalk is a terrific learning experience. One cannot help but become a better bowhunter in the process.

Richard is a tall, lean, and vigorous man who resembles Jeff Foxworthy. His wickedly dry sense of humor provides the same comic effect as you drive the ranch property. Richard will alternately provide tidbits from his encyclopedic knowledge of blacktails and have you rolling with laughter at his candid comments on modern life. Richard is a "straight shooter," who deplores when political correctness rather than biological soundness determines game management practices. If you are looking for insight into any local deer issue, then Richard is a vital source of information.

My only regret is that my scheduled five-day hunt ended on the second day. Richard is so committed to insuring his hunters harvest a quality animal that he is almost relentless in their pursuit. I found his company so enjoyable that I did not want my hunt to be over.

In the interest of a balanced report, I have to comment that the accommodations are old and pretty basic. Although comfortable, they are probably not suitable for young wives and girlfriends. (My wife of thirty-nine years endured without complaint, but I have her well trained.) However, don't let such considerations deter you from hunting with Richard. If the secretive blacktail eludes you as much as it has me in the past, then you owe it to yourself to hunt with the best in the west, "Mr. Blacktail."

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - November 2008
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Personal Guide - Richard Eriksen
Number in Camp - 1
Outfitter Cost - $3,000.00
Other Costs - $300.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
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