Moultrie Mobile

KN Archery Outfitters

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Gary Rymer
Give God the glory
Ratings to date: 5
Average Rating 5.0
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

If you have ever had doubts about hunting the rut with a bow, this place will erase them. In a day in half of a five day hunt, I saw three bucks over 150 and two over 160. One of these I harvested at 23 yds. Brad sent me trail camera photos of this buck all summer. I saw this deer at 90 yards crusing. I gave him three grunts with the primos buck roar followed by a long snort wheeze and within 4-5 seconds he came crashing thru the woods like he was meant to. The rest...give brad a call, but Nov 6-10 is already spoken for.Finally, before you ask, no its not high fenced nor does he allow guns. This a product of almost no pressure and it being sharecropped with corn and soybeans. his opportunity success ratio is through the roof. Just make sure your ready!

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - November 2008
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Personal Guide - Outfitter/ Brad
Number in Camp - 1
Outfitter Cost - $2,300.00
Other Costs - $180.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
There was a front that moved in the day i arrived. Light rain followed by cool temps. If ever there was any truth to deer movement aftera rain, well the after noon hunt provided 28 deer in three hours. There were no more than 5 deer at a time. Mostly bucks
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