Mathews Inc.

Enter to WIN Code Blue Products !

Code Blue’s “Season of Scent” Giveaway has been built to fill all of a Hunter’s Fall Needs


(BIRMINGHAM, AL) Code Blue Scents LLC is offering consumers the chance to win an entire season’s worth of scent elimination and attractant products that will have big, mature bucks in range throughout the entire fall. The “Season of Scent” prize package includes some of Code Blue’s top performing products but the potential benefits of this giveaway don’t end there. Entrants will also be qualified for the grand prize which includes the “Season of Scent” prize package, Summit Razor® SD Treestand, Knight & Hale Da Bonehead™ Rattling system, Moultrie M-880i trail camera and a Mossy Oak® apparel set. This is a packaged valued at over $750!

To enter, visit the Code Blue Scents website at Simply complete the entry form and follow the instructions to submit your entry. To be eligible to win, online entries must be received by 11:59 P.M. Central Standard Time on November 2, 2014.

Two lucky winners of the “Season of Scent” prize package will be randomly drawn on the Friday of each week throughout the promotion period, starting on October 10th, 2014. The one time, grand prize winner will be drawn during the final week of the promotion on November 7th, 2014. Winners will be notified of their success via email within one day of each drawing. The fall hunting season is here so enter now and perfect your potency with Code Blue Scents.

“Season of Scent” Prize Package Includes:

  • Code Blue Scents EliminX 360 SZT Odor Eliminator
  • Code Blue Scents EliminX with SZT Odor Eliminator Body Wash
  • Code Blue Scents Doe Estrous
  • Code Blue Scents Buck Urine
  • Code Blue Scents Platinum Standing Estrous
  • Code Blue Scents Coon Urine
  • Code Blue Scents Tarsal Gland Gel
  • Code Blue Scents Deluxe Scent Drag

See Official Rules at: 

About Code Blue Scents:

Code Blue uses science to perfect the most effective scents, attractants, and scent management products available. Our original proof is our patented One Deer to One Bottle technology.

When hunters go into the woods, we want them to feel confident that they’re carrying the most effective scents, attractants, and scent management products available. It doesn’t matter if it’s an all-natural doe estrous or a synthetic, a boar attractant or an enzyme based odor management – if it’s Code Blue, it is going to be effective. Our brand has to convey that massage. Our patented technologies and innovations are the proof behind that massage.

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