ID This Ornamental Shrub/Vine
Habitat Improvement
Messages posted to thread:
Zbone 26-Jan-22
Zbone 26-Jan-22
2Wild Bill 26-Jan-22
WV Mountaineer 26-Jan-22
Kevin Dill 26-Jan-22
Grey Ghost 26-Jan-22
KSflatlander 26-Jan-22
esean 27-Jan-22
KSflatlander 27-Jan-22
Zbone 27-Jan-22
Zbone 27-Jan-22
Zbone 27-Jan-22
KSflatlander 27-Jan-22
Zbone 27-Jan-22
KSflatlander 27-Jan-22
Zbone 02-Feb-22
LBshooter 02-Feb-22
Zbone 02-Feb-22
KSflatlander 02-Feb-22
Buck-man 02-Feb-22
Dutch oven 02-Feb-22

By: Zbone

Zbone's MOBILE embedded Photo

Anybody know what this ornamental vine type shrub is, the deer are just hammering it right now...

By: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo

I'll get a better close up picture of it later in daylight, went out there on this fridged night in my shorts to take a photo of my grill for the other thread...


It may be, that the attraction is, that it is green.


I don’t know what it is called. I do know it’s green. Which is why they are attracted to it right now.


Close up picture of leaves in daylight would be the ticket. At first glance my thought is some variety of euonymous. Deer will eat and damage variegated euonymous in winter.


Does it ever flower? If so, what do they look like?



Hard to tell from the picture but maybe winter creeper?

By: esean

Yep, looks like a variegated form of wintercreeper (Euonymous fortunei). It's a very nasty invasive. There are a couple of acres covered with it down the road.


I have it in my hunting area too. It will out complete all native forbs and shrubs for deer browse. Very hard to get rid of. They seem to only eat it in late winter when there aren’t many choices.

By: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo

Sorry I haven't got a daylight picture yet, it's dark when I get home from work and can't seem to remember to take the time to get a picture before work... Will try to get decent daylight pix this weekend...

By: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo

Don't believe its an invasive species, it didn't grow there wild, it was planted by prior owners of my home as ornament shrubbery... Whatever it is the deer seem to luv it, there isn't many green leaflets left low enough for them to get at hasn't been eaten...

By: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo

They go straight from my backyard feeder to the shrub...

KSflatlander's Supporting Link

It’s ecologically destructive and aggressive. I would get rid of it.

By: Zbone

Thanks folks... Yeah Ryan, it does seem to be some species of Wintercreeper, as Kevin indicated "some variety of euonymous"... Now you guys got me on the right track I think it may be this species: White Album Wintercreeper, Euonymus fortunei 'Alban'....

I'm not going to kill it, that corner of my house is the only place it grows on my property and the deer seem to really like it and may help sustain them through winter... Have 2 mature does, 5 fawns and a dink buck survived so far this year...

Matt - Have never seen any type of flower on it...

Thank again folks for the ID...


Maybe you have an infertile plant? The flowers are small and white. The fruit/seeds are red. Birds eat the seeds and distribute them. Only the aerial vines will flower. I’m starting to do some control in my area. It’s a lot of manual labor. Cut and kill the vines at the base of the tree and roundup the rest.

By: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo

Finally had a chance over my weekend to take some daylight pix...


Well I'd take a cutting or two and replant some in your hunting area.

By: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo

KSflatlander - "Only the aerial vines will flower"

Yep you're right, hadn't noticed or realized until taking the pix...

Grey Ghost - Here's photo of the dried berries...


Do not replant in your hunting area. It will destroy native vegetation and spread beyond control.


Deer will stand on hind legs to eat it.


It is euonymous, a winter creeper. It's an invasive species that will kill your trees. Get rid of it in your yard and don't even think of transplanting it into the woods.

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