I recommend this outfitter
Hunted Canada, Illinois, Kentucky, Wyoming, multiple outfitters. I enjoy my experiences in Ky with Tadd and crew above all. Can’t think of any significant issues to date.they WORK to insure my comfort and expectations. I’ve yet to harvest there but my expectations are high and I know in time I’ll get the buck im looking for, I know because I’ve seen them in pics and other harvests.
Outfitter's Response
Thanks Randy, take it as highest compliment coming from such a sound, experienced hunter as you. Our true booner only hunter ????????
Hunt Information
Date of Hunt -
October 2019
Implement -
Hunt Type -
Number in Camp -
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt?
No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
Weather was average on all hunts
Weather was average on all hunts