I recommend this outfitter
Tadd and his staff took excellent care of everyone's needs and answered any questions we had. There's a bounty of large whitetail on his property and they do their best to provide a safe and top notch experience. There are stand target ranges to spend any spare hours on as well with harnessed life-line support and provided scent-free atmosphere/precautions. The lookout from the cabins (which are also extremely nice) is 5 star. I had a quick and successful bow hunt.
Outfitter's Response
Thanks Jared, it’s great to get new guests and their perspective, as we work as hard as we can to make the experience incredible for each and every fair chaser.
Hunt Information
Date of Hunt -
October 2020
Implement -
Compound Bow
Hunt Type -
Personal Guide -
Number in Camp -
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt?
No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
The first day was misty with rain, but we were equipped with optional umbrellas. I likely would have stayed out all day if it were not for the upcoming fantastic sunny and cold weather.
The first day was misty with rain, but we were equipped with optional umbrellas. I likely would have stayed out all day if it were not for the upcoming fantastic sunny and cold weather.