Mathews Inc.

Premier Outfitters

Hunter: Macky Burke
Premier Outfitters
Ratings to date: 236
Average Rating 4.7
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

Mark and his guides are a great group of guys to hunt with. Great lodge and food and the best deer hunting of anywhere I’ve been. Looking forward to seeing you guys next year.

Outfitter's Response

Thank you Macky, We had such a good time with you and your father. Cant wait to see you both again in 2020 and congratulations again on that toad of a buck.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - November 2019
Implement - Rifle
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Personal Guide - Hal Kornprobst
Number in Camp - 10
Outfitter Cost - $4,200.00
Other Costs - $0.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
  • Sitka Gear