My father, brother, and myself went on our first hunt with Mike's Outfitting the week of 6/5/2017. After much months of following Mike on social media and seeing his bears, any bowhunter couldn't help but get excited about his monster bears. I had high expectations going into this hunt that I would connect with a trophy, however this wasn't meant to be. It was definitely at no fault to the outfitter or guides, these guys are fantastic. Mike and my guide (Gerard Van Den Boogaard) busted their tails to put me on baits that trophy bears were hitting. Unfortunately for me I didn't get an opportunity to shoot at a big boar. I did enjoy every sit though, as I saw 6-10 bears daily. Seeing colored bears was a great treat too! My Dad and Brother both bagged their first ever black bears on this hunt. My dad killed a 260lb with a 19-4/16 skull. Then dad really sealed the deal with a monster second bear that will be hard to top 420lbs with a 21-3/16 skull! Brother Nathan filled his tag on the last day of our hunt with a nice P&Y bear. Congratulations guys! In short, Mikes Outfitting is a top notch outfit. Everything was above and beyond what I expected.
Mike and guides definitely made our trip a great experience.
Jacob Kissella
None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.