Tad Ladd runs a first class operation. The deer are magnificent, all you have to do is visit his website so see how much care he puts into the animals in the off season. The lodging was first class and the tree stand locations were great. It was very warm during the week I was hunting, but Tad’s guides did and excellent job of moving the clients around for optimum success. Fair chase and ethical hunting standards are very important to me. Tad and his guide’s were everything I could have hoped for and more. I learned a lot, had a great hunt and killed my first buck EVER (and did it with a bow). It was a special experience and I can’t wait to hunt with Tad in the future. -Scott
Thanks for the report. I'm glad you hunted with us for your first "trip" and hope we were able to share some insight about this great tradition of bow hunting. I appreciate your practice and prep and the fact your first arrow at a buck connected accurately. Hope you make it back to hunt with us.
It was a very warm fall and the deer were really only active after sunset.