I saw five different bears in my stand, period. We drove up in a motorhome from Michigan. Outfitter drove us to stands in his personal truck! Even better, he only charged us for a small portion of gas! I shot a possible Pope and Young chocolate bear! We went 14 for 14 the week we were there! it does not get any better than that. If I go Bear Hunting in Ontario again, I will not go anywhere else. We learned our lesson with a bad outfitter in 2006. We even brought our wives and there was plenty for them to do including satelite television. They even have boats you can use for fishing. These guys know what they are doing and they have been doing it for a long time. Book your hunt with Chris and you will not regret it.
None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.
Hot and the bugs were crazy, USE A THERMACELL! They work like you will not believe(if it is not too windy). Well worth the $30.