The Bowsite -

 Scouting - 4/18

 Eve of Opening Day

 Spring Turkey Live - 1999

Eve of Opening Day

One of the most important things you can do is to locate turkeys as they get settled on their roost. Since Wednesday was opening day, I headed out to pinpoint a gobbler the night before. This would determine where I would set up on him the next day.

Video of me Owl hooting, and I locate the gobbler ( note: video is dark, but sound is decent) (540k)

After pinpointing his location, I set up my blind in the dark in anticipation for opening morning's hunt.

 Ways to locate / Shock Spring Gobblers

  • Owl Hooting - My favorite. Marginally successful but the nice part is that it requires nothing but your voice. Takes very little effort to recreate.
  • Gobbles - There are several gobble devices out there. Some people can even do it with a diaphragm call. I do not recommend using gobble calls for locators. If the Tom has hens, he may head in the opposite direction to protect his harem.
  • Crow Calls - I've never had this work for me but I know several people that swear by it.
  • Goose Calls - This is one you don't hear of very often but it works great. I noticed several years back that a flock of Canada geese would cause a Tom to sound off. I have been using this successfully each year. I works best if there are geese in your area.
  • Exotics - I lump things like Screaming peacock, high-frequency whistles, slamming car doors, and other strange calls in this category. While I am sure they all work I prefer to use sounds that are natural to the woods I am hunting.