Sitka Gear
Bowhunting Whitetails in Saskatchewan











Morning Hunt

The stand I sat all day yesterday is where I headed again this morning. The weather was supposed to be clear and cold and I wanted to give this stand an honest shot in good weather. I told Rob that if I didn't see much I'd move back to my original stand where I've been passing the 11 point. As it turned out, it was slow and Rob came and got me.

Afternoon Hunt

Hunting has been slow, we have nine guys in camp and only one shot so far. Some guys are getting great action while others are seeing almost nothing. The one consistent has been that the bigger, trophy bucks are holed up and not moving. That's hunting.

This afternoon I hunted the stand where I started off the week but it was pretty slow. I saw a doe and fawn in five hours of hunting. Wind was good and the weather was a little cooler than it's been all week.

We're getting down to the wire, but it's beautiful country and they have some real monster bucks here. Take a look at this buck shot not far from where we are right now. That's Stacey holding it along with her new Mathews Genesis bow which was given to her by two hunters here this week.

A Great Family Atmosphere!

Every night Rob and Rose's daughter Stacey rings a bell to alert us to yet another incredible dinner. We've had roast turkey, lasagna, pork roast, and barbecue chicken. Every morning we're treated to a home cooked breakfast and we grab sandwiches for lunch. You won't go hungry here and you most definitely will not lose any weight on this trip. The Nye family is the best and they add a special touch to a great hunt. Little Stacey has developed Rob's unique sense of humor which is both adorably and frightening at the same time!





Untitled Document


Equipment Pat is using on this hunt:

Bow 70lb Mathews Heli-m more
Arrows Carbon Express Pile Drivers more
Broadhead Muzzy MX Phantom 85grs more
Clothing/Camo Sitka Fanatic Series Outerwear more


Next - Day 6

Rob nye wilderness adventures

This Live Bowhunt takes place in Northern Saskatchewan with Rob Nye Wilderness Adventures.

  • Sitka Gear