It is great to be back in Saskatchewan sitting in a treestand. Two years ago I had hunted here the first week of November, this year I'm here a little earlier. The trees are in peak foliage and the weather is far milder than it was in November.
Rob asked me if I wanted to hunt a baited stand or an unbaited stand next to a water hole that bordered a field. I chose the field stand. I had a few does come by but no bucks showed up. The wind turned terrible so I wasn't expecting a lot.

For the afternoon we tried a different stand, this one was baited and deep into a spruce forest. There was a fresh rub and the bait was getting hit pretty hard. There is supposed to be a giant buck cruising this area, and by giant the landowner thinks he's around 200. Rob saw him too but only for a second and told me it was "possible" that he was that big. I sat for 6 hours and had two young eights and a couple of does show up.

It was a slow day - but still fun.