Moultrie Mobile

Kansas Whitetail Live

November 9-15

Day 7


November 15th


Morning Hunt

Before dawn, Clay and I discussed where to hunt this morming. We both decided to try the Wooden treestand again. That big 8 was seen on camera overnight and all the other cams were flat. So I went there and hoped for the best.

It was pretty slow. However the big six I passed yesterday appeared out of nowhere. He tempted me yesterday, and it was really tempting today - my last day of hunting. I never lifted up my bow. He spotted a small 8 point. And chased him out of the field.

I stayed in stand until almost noon and never saw another buck. When Clay picked me up I told him I was done at the Wooden.

The big six came in again today. And like yesterday, I passed on him. He's cool, but I don't need to kill just because I'm on a paid hunt.


Afternoon Hunt

For my last hunt of the trip, I chose the Calvary Creek stand. I have always had great luck there - especially on the last day. The only downside was the wind was marginal for that stand. It called for a SSE and that's far from ideal. I sat for four hours and only saw a young scrub buck.

My hunt is over. This hunt was tougher than we're used to but that's hunting. Lots of factors; primarily the warm weather, but also a full moon, and an earlier than usual rut. We'll be back next year! My thanks for Kent and Clay Jarnagin for all of their hard work and effort.

This was the only buck I saw for my last hunt



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