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Kansas Whitetail Live

November 6-13

Day 2

Morning Hunt

The weather change moved in overnight and the temps are plummeting. That makes us very happy. However, this morning was a wet mess so I opted to hunt the South Pasture out of a ground blind. There are several great bucks here including a wicked non-typical shooter that I would love to shoot.

There are two non-typical bucks here, this was the smaller one, and not quite a shooter yet.

It started out slow but about an hour into my wet hunt I spotted a non-typical coming in. I got excited but as he got closer I could tell he was the smaller buck. He came in and spent a few seconds at the bait before moving on. He will be a great buck in a year or two.

I hope to see him in 2019!

Another mature buck came in that was also not quite a shooter. So he got a pass too. While he was heading in I got a text from Tom Edgington (Mad Trapper on Bowsite) that read; Split G2 is dead! A good sign for our redemption hunt!

This was the other mature buck that appeared, again - not a shooter.

Tom ended up shooting a great buck that carried its mass all the way up his rack. He made a good shot and the buck was recovered quickly.

Tom Edgington breaks the ice on our redemption hunt! Congratulations Tom!!


Afternoon Hunt

I was excited for the afternoon hunt, the rain had stopped, there was a brisk breeze, and it was cold. I was hunting Kent's tree belt which is always a great stand. Well, it is usually a great stand. I only saw one doe.

When I got back to the house I met Jake. His night was better. He showed me a video of a hell of a buck - which he passed. He was a giant bodied, old buck with a killer rack. We are hammering him for passing it up. Hopefully he will post a picture of the buck so you guys can judge for yourself.

Sitka Apex
  • Sitka Gear