I will talk more about Jake Whipkey the Wounded Warrior but first I'll describe picking him up at
the airport. I arrived a little early at the Montrose, CO airport and while waiting I saw/heard an
F15 Fighter jet arrive at the airport. A crowd gathered to view the jet and meet the Pilot. I soon
found myself talking to a Vietnam Veteran paratrooper from the 82nd airborne. I told him I was
hosting an Iraq WW on an archery elk hunt and he smiled. He then told me about when he
came home from Vietnam they were required to dress in plain clothes to avoid trouble with war
protesters. He said his fellow Vietnam Veterans have vowed not to let this happen to this
generation of Warriors. He asked if he could meet Jake and while approaching Jake's arriving
plane the F15 Pilot also agreed to meet Jake as he came off the plane. When Jake came off the
plane it was very special. A Wounded Warrior from the Iraq war, a Colonel, F15, fighter pilot and
a Vietnam Veteran paratrooper shaking hands and thanking each other for their respective
service. Man, I am one humbled guy!
Also arriving on the same flight is (BowDoc) Brendan Mulholland a primary care physician from
New Jersey and his friend John a fellow Doctor. Brendan made a generous donation to Jake's
hunt. This will be their first archery elk hunt.
During the 90 minute drive from Montrose to Rocking R Ranch Jake and I got a chance to talk
about lots of things but mostly about archery elk hunting and the mission of www.WWIAF.org.
We immediately felt comfortable with each other and talked freely.
Day One PM Hunt:

Jake, Dan and Charlie pose with a sign posted outside of Rocking R Ranch
When we arrived at Rocking R Ranch we posed at this sign at the entrance which sets the
stage for our event. 1% of the American population serves in our volunteer armed forces and we
are very appreciative of them answering the call. We can not take this for granted.
We spent the rest of the afternoon meeting the other hunters, shooting the bows and then
watching elk in the evening from the porch of the Rocking R Lodge. We met brothers Ron and
Craig Stoecklein from Kansas. Both Bowsite members and contributors to Jake's hunt. This will
be their first elk hunt as well. In addition there at 4 muzzleloader hunters.