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The days are running out and we have stepped it up. We cut a track and tried to work it this morning but it got jumbled up with other tracks and I was losing my enthusiasm. It was another dry and still day with no wind. This makes almost 8 straight days of no wind and rain. So I told Jacques I wanted to simply sit in a blind and hope for the best that way. I could tell that he did not agree with that. He’s probably right since these bulls were likely going to drink at night, but if I bull comes to water I figured I'd have a good chance of killing him there. The conditions on the ground are impossible for a bowhunter – I am convinced of that now.
But Jacques had a terrific suggestion, one that I liked very much. Coleman would sit with me at the water while he and Jimmy looked for buffalo. This way we had both covered. If they found a buffalo they would come back and get me and I’d go stalk it. “Sounds like a plan” I said as we parted ways and they drove away from the blind.
I must tell you, I’ve sat a lot of waterholes in Africa but I had an absolute blast sitting this one and I was kicking myself for not doing it sooner. We had a herd of 80 impala come to water and the rams began to fight. It is their mating season and they were behaving just like our whitetail bucks do in the autumn. Shortly after them we herd a crash in the trees behind us and the familiar sound of baboons barking at us. But one of the greatest opportunities I’ve ever had for filming was found today. The baboons let me film their antics for 20 minutes straight. We saw kudu, monkeys, impala, lots of warthogs, even a big lizard came to this hole. I hoped for a buffalo but it was still early and we had plenty of time. But shortly before 2PM the truck drove up and Jacques came to the blind. They had located buffalo and even stalked up to them. They were in the perfect position for a stalk and the wind was perfect. This is exactly what we’ve been waiting for. We collected our things and headed several miles to a dry riverbed. Jacques led Coleman and me to the trail where he saw the buffalo. It was a big herd but 3 bulls were lying on this side away from the cows and calves. We took off our shoes and tip-toed up the bank and across a small grassy hill. The buffalo were still there and the largest bull was only 30 yards from us – sleeping with his head down. I had no shot, I could barely see him, but my plan was to move deathly slow and get into position for when they stood up. I am completely comfortable with camping on them for hours if necessary. But I was not going to blow this opportunity. It was sure to be my best on since the first day.
The wind remained favorable and every so often it would blow a little harder – enough to mask my approach. I was ready and excited. But before I so much as took my first step the entire herd jumped up and crashed off. Now, not the 3 bulls in front of us, but the entire herd 100 yards away! I just shook my head in disgust. I uttered a foul word. And turned to Jacques and said “This is frigging impossible” we were all stunned. The wind was perfect and we have no idea what frightened them. We were moving in the shadows and weren’t even in sight of the big herd. The three bulls were on their feet wondering what happened. Eventually they ran off too. I told Jacques I had enough of this stalking nonsense, everything is against a successful close-range stalk. There was no wind, and what faint winds we did have would swirl, the ground was crunchy, and these buffalo were wired. We discussed options and I told him to that me and Coleman would create a makeshift blind and sit by the big dam. In fact, I told him I would spend the last two days camped out at that dam in the hopes that a buffalo would come in. We got there at 4PM and set up a quick blind. It was no Double-Bull blind, but it would have to do. Jimmy and Jacques drove away leaving me and Coleman. But we had one small, err, make it large problem. Two Hippo were downwind of us and they were very unhappy. Coleman and I planned our escape routes up into the trees should the bull decide he wanted his territory all to himself. Luckily for us, he never came out of the water and our hunt ended uneventfully. No buffalo here either.
Our Professional Hunters for this safari is: Madiakgama Safaris |