Question 1
During the 2020 late season, I captured a buck on my Moultrie trail camera that was the biggest deer I had ever seen in Connecticut - a state not known for trophy bucks. I hunted him right up until he shed both sides (I found them both). The following year, as the 2021 season approached, I used trail cams over minerals and bait (legal in this zone) to see if the buck had survived. In mid-December the buck appeared and it was 'game-on.'
This buck is very old, and very smart. I had one crack at getting a shot at him. A bad wind, miss, or a wound and I'd never see him again. The perfect wind for this property is NW and right before Christmas I got my chance as he approached my treestand.
As the buck approached, it looked right at me at 15 yards. It was decision time. Answer our first question below:
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