onX Maps

Question 8




As soon as it's light out you head up the mountain and walk to the spot you last saw him. He was 5 yards from where you left him last night and conveniently right next to the plot so you don't have to drag him back up that awful cliff! This was an impossible situation just 12 hours ago and now you're standing over a nice PA 7 point that will eat well (or not).

As always, you reevaluate your decisions leading to this recovery. Conventional wisdom says wait until morning. If you did that he would be lost. The rain would have washed-out that pivitol, uphill blood drop. That drop led to the bloodtrail that led you to the deer. You would have spent all day in those thickets when the deer was literally bedded in a small thicket right next to the food plot.

For our final question please answer number 8 below.


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