Mathews Inc.

Question 3

Watch the video then decide carefully on next steps factoring in the hit, the darkness, and the weather forecast which calls for heavy rain starting at midnight. The shot took place around 7 PM give or take. There were several deer in the field and they all scattered after the shot. In the commotion, you have no idea where the deer exited the field. If it went south or west, that is bad. It's a jungle of thickets. East is good, and north is good. Almost every deer heads to the thickets. Pick the best of these options:

A: Wait 30 minutes then find and flag where the deer exited the field. Then wait 4.5 hours to take up the trail.
B: Wait 2 hours then start tracking.
C: Wait 10 minutes then find and flag where the deer exited the field. Then wait 1.5 hours to take up the trail.
D. Start trailing now.

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