Mathews Inc.

Question 7 - Critical Decisions Edition



Examine both of these photos and answer question 7 below. Use this anatomy diagram below for assistance.

Whitetail Anatomy Diagram

PLEASE READ - This Bloodtrail will step you through a recovery that will force you to make critical decisions. You will be asked whether to abandon conventional wisdom or double down on it. As always - these challenges are meant to educational, generate critical thinking, and spark dialogue. As always, we expect a respectful discussion.

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Only registered visitors can play. Please select the most likely answer above. Correct answers are awarded a maximum of 9 points. Some questions award partial points. TIP: some questions contain more than one correct choice, choose the one that is better than the others. New clues are presented one day at at time - check back daily until the 8th and final clue. Good Luck - and remember, it's just a game. Some guys take this far too seriously.

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