Question 5 - Critical Decisions Edition
This is not good
You have been slowly (and as quietly as possible) following the bloodtrail. You are now close to 200 yards into the trail when you feel your first raindrop. You pull out your phone and pull up a radar map of your area - it is then that you learn a torrential rainstorm is nearly upon you. Judging by the radar image, there will be zero blood sign left once this passes.
The bloodtrail is good - and most of the time is easy to follow. This is helpful because the buck has changed direction several times and is leading you through the the worst imaginable area to find a deer - a 100 acre swamp. Without blood, there is nearly zero chance of finding this deer.
You continue on for another 50 yards and jump the deer. He was bedded in the thickets. You can not see more than 20 yards in any given direction however before he dissappeared you could see he was hurting and definately not 100%. One interesting note, the blood trail has improved greatly since he was bumped.
You now have a critical decision to make. Answer below.
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