This bloodtrail is 100%
real. All the pictures and steps are as it happened during Pat Lefemine Jr's deer hunt in October, 2008. Good Luck!
After carefully searching your grid pattern, you find a tiny spec of blood sign. Both the top of the photo and the top of the diagram are facing the same direction (so they are lined up the same). Take a look at the photo and determine what your next step should be by answering the question below.

Click to Enlarge photo for close inspection

Note, both the diagram and the photo are facing the exact same direction.
Using this diagram and the photo above, answer the question below:
No Blood Edition - This challenge does not contain traps or wordplay. It is, however, not exactly textbook as we have very little blood to go on so you will need to use intuition and knowledge based on several clues to find this doe. The stakes are high on this one.
Play at your own Risk Have Fun, and NO WHINING!