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Interactive Blood Trail Competition 18 - You Track the deer




 Clue 1
An actual, recent, Bloodtrail

This bloodtrail is 100% real. All the pictures and steps are as it happened during a recent Connecticut Deer hunt in December, 2005. Good Luck!

Note: This particular Challenge has been designated "WHINE FREE." There are no tricks, gotcha's or double-negative word games. Just find the deer using commonly accepted best-practices and judgments in your decisions to obtain the highest possible score. This deer may have been shot using advanced tactics based on experience, but you will be scored on conservative choices, not necessarily what we did...

A deer has stopped at this spot. The camera, which is recording the shot, is to the right and 4 feet lower than the shooter. The deer is 13 yards away. The shot angle is steep, and the shot requires you to shoot through a triangular hole in the brush approximately 10" in diameter (shown as a red triangle above). You are shooting a fast, flat-shooting arrow.

You have several choices to make regarding the shot. Choose carefully below.

This bloodtrail was brought to you (literally!) by Muzzy Broadheads!!
A 90 grain 4-blade Muzzy was used to kill this deer.





Bloodtrailing Competition - Clue 1

Please vote on the most likely choice after you are given each clue. Correct answers are awarded the maximum points. Note: there are many correct answers, but some are better than others. You need to be a registered visitor to play and have your cookies enabled to play. Your score will be held in the database until the 8th clue at which time we will post the final scores including the top 50 highest scorers for the competition. New clues will be presented daily.
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