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Interactive Blood Trail Competition 15 - You Track the deer




 Clue 8
An actual, recent, Bloodtrail

This bloodtrail is 100% real. All the pictures and steps are as it happened during a recent Connecticut Deer hunt in November, 2004. Good Luck!

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The deer was recovered but it was immediately apparent that the coyotes had been at work - starting with the deer's anus and vagina. The good news was that this deer was not going to waste. The hindquarters would need to be trimmed back but loss was (at most) 10%. Another hour or two and it would have been destroyed.

Answer Question 8 Below:

Tough Decisions

My first tough decision was to publish this bloodtrail at all. I knew I was going to get criticized harshly for my decisions, and for scoring these decisions as the correct ones -given our hindsight. I stand by my decision to publish this trail. It sparked some great dialogue and it proves a point that our objective when shooting a doe is to salvage the meat - not just find the deer.

If this is your first time participating in one of our bloodtrail competitions, then you should realize that these competitions use hindsight to formulate scores. These should not be interpreted as "Best Practices" for bloodtrailing or recommendations. Had we followed conventional wisdom, we would have found this deer but there would be nothing left to salvage. I can not argue that our decision carried a considerable risk. We could have easily pushed this deer and not recovered it, but after hearing that coyote yip, we were 95% certain it was either risk it and hope the Muzzy did its job sooner than usual, or accept the inevitable - finding a carcass destroyed by coyotes.

All areas are different and your area may not have the coyote problems that ours has. In addition, had we not heard the coyote we may very well have come back in the morning - however knowing this area - that is doubtful.

The bottom line is that all factors need to be considered when bloodtrailing. We still recommend waiting the minimum of six hours when following up a gut-hit. But we strongly recommend you look at the entire picture. Adapting to each situation will make you a more effective bloodtrailer.

Pat Lefemine




Bloodtrailing Competition - Clue 8

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How far did this deer travel based on the clues?
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