I recommend this outfitter
Javalina hunt for my grandson and I, he was on his first big game hunt and does not bowhunt as he is a starving college student. Weather was poopy, but our guide still managed to find us some critters. We stayed at a nice motel and ate in good restaurants.
Grandson only had the weekend to hunt so when he was able to get his javalina early Sun morning we were able to get back home in time to go to work Sun evening.
Outfitter's Response
None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.
Hunt Information
Date of Hunt -
February 2020
Implement -
Hunt Type -
Personal Guide -
Number in Camp -
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt?
Yes - Unusually Wet Conditions
Weather Comments:
Saturday hunting was a bust because it rained all day. Sunday was cloudy but no rain. Temp was 40's and 50's.
Saturday hunting was a bust because it rained all day. Sunday was cloudy but no rain. Temp was 40's and 50's.