Moultrie Mobile

Trophy Safaris International

New Brunswick
Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: mike shoda
Florida Mike
Ratings to date: 20
Average Rating 4.9
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

This was a great hunt! Dave is the owner operator and he really works hard to produce a good hunt. He has bait sites everywhere an they are hammered by bears. He has some big bears and a very nice lodge too. This hunt exceeded my expectations and I will go back next year. He has a great taxidermist to take care of your trophy too. He can track like a bloodhound if your bear decides to run after the shot. My bear was 300lbs boar. Now I just need to pay for the taxidermy!

Outfitter's Response

It was a pleasure to guide Mike and his son Matt.Both hunters takeing their first bears.After letting five walk the first night Mike took a nice boar the second that should qualify for P&Y.Matt did great as well takeing a nice first bear the first night in stand with under 30yrd recovery.Logistics with us can involve deep woods hunts as we always move from sector to sector each week to ensure not hunting the same populations over again.Look forward to seeing you again next year.Dave

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - May 2010
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Personal Guide -
Number in Camp - 4
Outfitter Cost - $1,300.00
Other Costs - $184.00
Weather Information
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